Memory and System Bus

This is a part of Writing a RISC-V Emulator in Rust. Our goal is running xv6, a small Unix-like OS, in your emulator eventually.

The source code used in this page is available at d0iasm/rvemu-for-book/02/.

The Goal of This Page

In this page, we will implement a memory (DRAM) and a system bus. The memory is used to store and load data. The system bus is a pathway to carry data between the CPU and the memory.

These components enable to execute load and store instructions which are the part of base integer instruction set. There are 7 load instructions (lb, lh, lw, ld, lbu, lhu, and lwu) and 4 store instructions (sb, sh, sw, and sd).

Define Modules

Rust has a powerful module system that can split code into logical units. Each unit is called a module.

First, we divide implemented in the previous section. The code of the CPU is splited to a new file

To define a CPU module, we need to mod keyword at the beginning of the file. The use keyword allows us to use public items defined in the CPU module.

fn main() {
// This declaration will look for a file named `` or `cpu/` and
// will insert its contents inside a module named `cpu` under this scope.
mod cpu;

// Use all public structures, methods, and functions defined in the cpu module.
use crate::cpu::*;

fn main() {
// `pub` keyword allows other modules use the `Cpu` structure and methods
// relating to it.
pub struct Cpu {

impl Cpu {

Memory (DRAM)

The memory we going to implement is a dynamic random-access memory which is called DRAM. It is used to store/load data while the program is running.

We represent it as a Dram struct. It contains a vector of bytes as a member.

The vector of bytes in the Dram instance is initialized with the data containing executable binary when it's created by Dram::new().

fn main() {
pub const DRAM_SIZE: u64 = 1024 * 1024 * 128; // 128MiB

pub struct Dram {
    pub dram: Vec<u8>,

impl Dram {
    pub fn new(code: Vec<u8>) -> Dram {
        let mut dram = vec![0; DRAM_SIZE as usize];
        dram.splice(..code.len(), code.iter().cloned());

        Self { dram }

Load and Store Methods

There are load and store public methods for the Dram struct. Arguments in each method are an address and the number of bits. The number of bits can be 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits.

fn main() {
impl Dram {
    pub fn load(&self, addr: u64, size: u64) -> Result<u64, ()> {
        match size {
            8 => Ok(self.load8(addr)),
            16 => Ok(self.load16(addr)),
            32 => Ok(self.load32(addr)),
            64 => Ok(self.load64(addr)),
            _ => Err(()),

    pub fn store(&mut self, addr: u64, size: u64, value: u64) -> Result<(), ()> {
        match size {
            8 => Ok(self.store8(addr, value)),
            16 => Ok(self.store16(addr, value)),
            32 => Ok(self.store32(addr, value)),
            64 => Ok(self.store64(addr, value)),
            _ => Err(()),

load8, load16, load32, and load64 (store* as well) are private methods to help us operate the DRAM with the specific size of bits. The DRAM is a little-endian system as described in the previous section so we need to be careful the order of bytes.

The following code is load32 and store32 methods. The byte of a smallest memory address (index) is stored at the least signigicant byte at the largest and the byte of a largest memory address (index + 3) is stored at the most significant byte of a word.

fn main() {
impl Dram {

    fn load32(&self, addr: u64) -> u64 {
        let index = (addr - DRAM_BASE) as usize;
        return (self.dram[index] as u64)
            | ((self.dram[index + 1] as u64) << 8)
            | ((self.dram[index + 2] as u64) << 16)
            | ((self.dram[index + 3] as u64) << 24);

    fn store32(&mut self, addr: u64, value: u64) {
        let index = (addr - DRAM_BASE) as usize;
        self.dram[index] = (value & 0xff) as u8;
        self.dram[index + 1] = ((value >> 8) & 0xff) as u8;
        self.dram[index + 2] = ((value >> 16) & 0xff) as u8;
        self.dram[index + 3] = ((value >> 24) & 0xff) as u8;

Add Dram to Module

Let's add the Dram as a module. Once adding one line at, can be included to the build target by cargo build and we can use methods defined at

fn main() {
mod dram;

From now on, we will add a new file as a module implicitly when it is added.

System Bus

A system bus is a component to carry data between the CPU and peripheral devices such as a DRAM. In actual hardware, there are 3 types of a bus. The 3 buses together are called a system bus.

  • Address bus: carries memory addresses.
  • Data bus: carries the data.
  • Control bus: carries control signals.

Our implementation doesn't care the differences between them and a system bus just connects the DRAM (and other peripheral devices) to the CPU and carries memory addresses and data stored in the memory and between them.

The Bus struct has a dram member and other peripheral devices we will add later. The Cpu struct now has a bus member in it instead of a dram member so that the CPU can access the DRAM via a system bus.

fn main() {
pub struct Bus {
    dram: Dram,

fn main() {
pub struct Cpu {
    pub regs: [u64; 32],
    pub pc: u64,
    pub bus: Bus,

Memory-mapped I/O

Memory-mapped I/O (MMIO) is a method performing input and output between the CPU and peripheral devices. MMIO uses the same address space as both DRAM and peripheral devices. It means you can use same load and store instructions for accessing peripheral devices. When you access at a memory address, it can connect to either a DRAM or a specific peripheral device via the system bus.

The system bus is responsible for a memory map in our implementation. A memory map is a structure of data which indicates how memory is laid out for a DRAM and peripheral devices. This can be different depending on a hardware system.

For example, virt machine in QEMU has the following memory map. In the virt machine, DRAM starts at 0x80000000. We're going to implement the same memory map as the map of a virt machine although we only have a part of the peripheral devices the virt machine has.

static const struct MemmapEntry {
    hwaddr base;
    hwaddr size;
} virt_memmap[] = {
    [VIRT_DEBUG] =       {        0x0,         0x100 },
    [VIRT_MROM] =        {     0x1000,        0xf000 },
    [VIRT_TEST] =        {   0x100000,        0x1000 },
    [VIRT_RTC] =         {   0x101000,        0x1000 },
    [VIRT_CLINT] =       {  0x2000000,       0x10000 },
    [VIRT_PCIE_PIO] =    {  0x3000000,       0x10000 },
    [VIRT_PLIC] =        {  0xc000000, VIRT_PLIC_SIZE(VIRT_CPUS_MAX * 2) },
    [VIRT_UART0] =       { 0x10000000,         0x100 },
    [VIRT_VIRTIO] =      { 0x10001000,        0x1000 },
    [VIRT_FLASH] =       { 0x20000000,     0x4000000 },
    [VIRT_PCIE_ECAM] =   { 0x30000000,    0x10000000 },
    [VIRT_PCIE_MMIO] =   { 0x40000000,    0x40000000 },
    [VIRT_DRAM] =        { 0x80000000,           0x0 },

There are load and store public methods for the Bus struct. Arguments in each method are an address and the number of bits. The number of bits can be 8, 16, 32, and 64.

If the addr is larger than 0x80000000 defined as DRAM_BASE, we can access to the DRAM.

fn main() {
/// The address which dram starts, same as QEMU virt machine.
pub const DRAM_BASE: u64 = 0x8000_0000;

impl Bus {

    pub fn load(&self, addr: u64, size: u64) -> Result<u64, ()> {
        if DRAM_BASE <= addr {
            return self.dram.load(addr, size);

    pub fn store(&mut self, addr: u64, size: u64, value: u64) -> Result<(), ()> {
        if DRAM_BASE <= addr {
            return, size, value);

Update the CPU

We're going to implement load and store instructions which are the part of base integer instruction set. There are 7 load instructions, lb, lh, lw, lbu, and lhu defined at RV32I and lwu and ld defined at RV64I. There are 4 store instructions, sb, sh, and sw defined at RV32I and sd defined at RV64I.

Fetch-decode-execute Cycle

We update the fetch-decode-execute cycle introduced in the previous page. The emulator continues to execute the cycle until fetch or execute methods fail.

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    loop {
        // 1. Fetch.
        let inst = match cpu.fetch() {
            // Break the loop if an error occurs.
            Ok(inst) => inst,
            Err(_) => break,

        // 2. Add 4 to the program counter.
        cpu.pc += 4;

        // 3. Decode.
        // 4. Execute.
        match cpu.execute(inst) {
            // Break the loop if an error occurs.
            Ok(_) => {}
            Err(_) => break,

        // This is a workaround for avoiding an infinite loop.
        if cpu.pc == 0 {

Fetch Stage

The next executable binary can be fetched from DRAM via the system bus we just created. The size of bits is 32 since the the length of one instruction in RISC-V is always 4 bytes. (Note: The length of one instruction can be 2 bytes in the compressed instruction set.)

fn main() {
impl Cpu {
    pub fn fetch(&mut self) -> Result<u64, ()> {
        match self.bus.load(self.pc, 32) {
            Ok(inst) => Ok(inst),
            Err(_e) => Err(()),

Decode Stage

Load instructions are I-type and store instrucrtions are S-type format as we can see them in Fig 2.1. and 2.2. The positions for rs1, funct3 (the 3 bits between rs1 and rd), and opcode are the same position in the both format.

In RISC-V, there are many common positions in all formats, but decoding an immediate value is quite different depending on instructions, so we'll decode an immediate value in each operation.

Fig 2.1 Load and store instructions in RV32I.

Fig 2.1 Load and store instructions in RV32I.

Fig 2.2 Load and store instructions in RV64I.

Fig 2.2 Load and store instructions in RV64I.

fn main() {
impl Cpu {
    fn execute(&mut self, inst: u32) {
        let funct3 = ((inst >> 12) & 0x7);
        match opcode {
            0x03 => { // Load instructions.
                // imm[11:0] = inst[31:20]
                let imm = ((inst as i32 as i64) >> 20) as u64;
                let addr = self.regs[rs1].wrapping_add(imm);
            0x23 => { // Store instructions.
                // imm[11:5|4:0] = inst[31:25|11:7]
                let imm = (((inst & 0xfe000000) as i32 as i64 >> 20) as u64) | ((inst >> 7) & 0x1f);
                let addr = self.regs[rs1].wrapping_add(imm);

Decoding is performed by bitwise ANDs and bit shifts. The point to be noted is that an immediate value should be sign-extended. It means we need to fill in the upper bits with 1 when the significant bit is 1. In this implementation, filling in bits with 1 is performed by casting from a signed integer to an unsigned integer.

Execute Stage

Each operation is performed in each match arm. For example, a load instruction lb is executed when opcode is 0x3 and funct3 is 0x0. The lb instruction loads a byte from a DRAM with the specific addr position.

The suffix in load and store instructions mean the size of bits.

  • b: a byte (8 bits)
  • h: a half word (16 bits)
  • w: a word (32 bits)
  • d: a double word (64 bits)

Also, u in load instructions means "unsigned".

fn main() {
impl Cpu {
    fn execute(&mut self, inst: u32) {
        match opcode {
            0x03 => { // Load instructions.
                // imm[11:0] = inst[31:20]
                let imm = ((inst as i32 as i64) >> 20) as u64;
                let addr = self.regs[rs1].wrapping_add(imm);
                match funct3 {
                    0x0 => {
                        // lb
                        let val = self.load(addr, 8)?;
                        self.regs[rd] = val as i8 as i64 as u64;
                    0x1 => {
                        // lh
                        let val = self.load(addr, 16)?;
                        self.regs[rd] = val as i16 as i64 as u64;
                    0x2 => {
                        // lw
                        let val = self.load(addr, 32)?;
                        self.regs[rd] = val as i32 as i64 as u64;
                    0x3 => {
                        // ld
                        let val = self.load(addr, 64)?;
                        self.regs[rd] = val;
                    0x4 => {
                        // lbu
                        let val = self.load(addr, 8)?;
                        self.regs[rd] = val;
                    0x5 => {
                        // lhu
                        let val = self.load(addr, 16)?;
                        self.regs[rd] = val;
                    0x6 => {
                        // lwu
                        let val = self.load(addr, 32)?;
                        self.regs[rd] = val;
                    _ => {}
            0x23 => { // Store instructions.
                // imm[11:5|4:0] = inst[31:25|11:7]
                let imm = (((inst & 0xfe000000) as i32 as i64 >> 20) as u64) | ((inst >> 7) & 0x1f);
                let addr = self.regs[rs1].wrapping_add(imm);
                match funct3 {
                    0x0 =>, 8, self.regs[rs2])?,  // sb
                    0x1 =>, 16, self.regs[rs2])?, // sh
                    0x2 =>, 32, self.regs[rs2])?, // sw
                    0x3 =>, 64, self.regs[rs2])?, // sd
                    _ => {}

Instruction Set

We've already implemented add and addi in the previous page and load and store instructions in this page. These instructions are a part of base integer instruction set (RV64I). To run xv6 in our emulator, we need to implement all instructions in RV64I and a part of instructions in RV64A and RV64M.

Here is the page for all instruction set we need to implement for running xv6: